
Hello! My name is Shannon Morse. I'm a video host for a bunch of online podcasts about technology and geekery. I'm currently living in San Francisco and I'm involved in several shows. I've very much grown up as a geek my whole life and I'm trying to influence more young women to consider the fields of technology for their futures. Take a look around the links above and feel free to contact me!



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Circumvent Windows Login Security with a USB boot-drive, Phishing with a Pineapple and anonymous torrenting!

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This time on the show we’re Breaking into Windows boxes with no skillz necessary using Konboot for USB, Spear-Phishing with a WiFi Pineapple, Sudo with pipes in Linux and downloading torrents anonymously

Reader Comments (1)

That's a great idea for using Konboot for USB, Spear-Phishing with a WiFi Pineapple. However, by now i do not fully realize how it is implemented. I'd turn to you for help in case of complete failure. Thanks a lot!

March 28, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterNick Tomson

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